Referral Services
For complex skin and heart cases and for patients that could benefit from acupuncture, your regular vet can refer you to one of our referral veterinary team. Our experts will see you for an initial, detailed consultation and carry out an examination, diagnostic tests and treatment at our convenient location just off the A34. If you would like your pet to be referred to Hilltop then please discuss this with your vet who can then get in touch with us to make all the arrangements. Please note we will be unable to register your pet at Hilltop for their regular veterinary care which will continue to be provided at your usual surgery.
CT scans and surgical referrals are no longer available at Hilltop but can be arranged directly by contacting Oxford Veterinary Specialists who’s new purpose built premises is just a 10 minute drive away
Our helpful receptionists are always on hand to answer any queries about referral just call 01865 736060

Mark Craig

Mark Patteson

Julie Hutton
